COPYRIGHT NOTICE Unless otherwise noted, all material appearing on these pages is copyright (©) 1999-2005, Pamela Edgar and Patrick Montoya, and/or the original owner of the material, as applicable, unless otherwise noted and is intended solely for the private use of the viewer. Reproduction, redistribution or linking to these materials requires the express written permission of the author of these pages. Unauthorized use will constitute a violation of copyright infringement and plagerism and restitution will be pursued through all available legal sources. |
The "disappearing" "Precious Time" Graphic you see above belongs to and is the property of the band HeartBreaker and it's founders. It was a custom designed artist's interpretation of ideas given to the artist by the founders of HeartBreaker, Pam Edgar and Pat Montoya in 1999, designed and rendered specifically for use on our website and is a one-of a-kind custom design. If you should see the above graphic on another website, it has been used without permission Please let us know at: |
Pat Benatar Tribute Band Show info, MP3s, Live photos, video clips and more!. |
Pat Benatar Tribute Band Show info, MP3s, Live photos, video clips and more!. |
Pat Benatar Tribute Band Show info, MP3s, Live photos, video clips and more!. |
Pat Benatar Tribute Band Show info, MP3s, Live photos, video clips and more!. |
Pat Benatar Tribute Band Show info, MP3s, Live photos, video clips and more!. |
Pat Benatar Tribute Band Show info, MP3s, Live photos, video clips and more!. |
Pat Benatar Tribute Band Show info, MP3s, Live photos, video clips and more!. |
SEE THE ONE AND ONLY Premier Tribute to Pat Benatar The Original Pat Benatar Tribute, HeartBreaker... Voted BEST FEMALE TRIBUTE in 2004! The only Benatar tribute listed on |
Read the transcript of our interview with Roger Capps! A founding member of Pat Benatar's band. See what he has to say about Pam and HeartBreaker! |
Photo by Shirley. Turner |
Life IS Too Short so why waste ... |
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